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We Are


We love to connect people to people, and people to ministry.  Below are some ways for you to be connected.  If any of these are of interest to you, please send your contact information below and we will get a volunteer form to you.


1. Growth Group Leader

2. Growth Group Host

3. Sunday School Teacher

4. College & Career Sponsor

5. Health Ministry Team

6. Handicap Ministry

7. Hearing Impaired Ministry

8. Prayer Team

Assistance to those in Need:

1. Addictions

2. Counseling

3. Elderly

4. Unemployed

5. Handicapped

6. Refugee Aid

7. Social Work

8. Prison Work


1. Basketball coach / player

2. Softball coach / player

3. Football coach / player

4. Volleyball coach / player

5. Tennis coach / player

6. Golf coach / player

7. Backpacking / hiking

8. Bowling

9. Skiing

10. Officiating

11. Weight training

12. Personal Training

13. Aerobics

14. Rehabilitation


1. To and from Church

2. Special needs of members

3. Bus driver

4. Mechanic

5. Trips


1. Youth Sponsor

2. Sunday School Teacher

3. Event Helper

4. Youth Band

5. Coffee Shop

6. Retreat Helper

7. Prayer Team

Music / Worship

1. Vocalist

2. Instrumentalist

3. Drama

4. Sound tech

5. Lighting tech

6. Camera tech

7. Connections Rep

8. Sanctuary Staging

9. Usher/Greeter

Deacon / Deaconess

1. Visitation:

   - Newcomers

   - Sick

   - Shut-ins

   - Hospitals

   - Rest Homes

2. Sending cards

3. Financial Counseling

4. Funeral Dinners

5. Preparing / Serving Meals

6. Kitchen clean-up

7. Setting up/tearing down tables


1. Typing

2. Filing / Collating

3. Telephoning

4. E-mailing

5. Librarian


Thank you! We will be in touch very soon.


1. Sunday School Teacher / Helper

2. Junior Church Teacher / Helper

3. Nursery Worker

4. Wednesday Night Programs

5. Christmas Program

6. VBS Planner / Teacher / Helper

7. Outreach Event Planner

8. Prayer Team

Media / Communications:

1. Web Design: Website

2. Social Media Work

3. Front Lawn Sign

4. Photographer

5. Videographer

6. Artist

7. A/V Equipment Operation

​Maintenance / Trustee:

1. Landscaping

2. Lawncare

3. Carpentry

4. Painting

5. Electrical

6. Plumbing

7. Cleaning

Financial / Treasurers:

1. Accounting

2. Bookkeeping

3. Counting Offerings

4. Treasurer

A Christian and Missionary Alliance Church 

© 2023 by New London Alliance 

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