Servants Ministry
Deacons: God has called us to be involved in expanding His kingdom. We all have a part to play in building God’s kingdom in our church and community. The kingdom of God grows inside us so we can make an impact on people around us. When God’s people consistently pray, He moves on earth to expand His kingdom. God’s kingdom grows inside us through prayer and when we love others.
Build the kingdom of God with giving. We can give from our hearts with our time, finances, and resources to help the community and body of believers.
Build the kingdom of God with serving. Jesus said that loving your neighbor as yourself is as important as loving God.
By caring for those around us, the kingdom of God increases.
Deaconesses: Our mission is to serve the Lord by faithfully extending our hearts and hands to service - to church, its ministries, its families, and to our community. Through prayer, study and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we assist in the responsibilities of the church and glorify God through our service to others.
We serve the Lord through:
supplying Funeral dinners
sending cards to those who are ill
supplying meals for those recovering from surgery
cleaning and stocking the kitchen
supporting the Deacon’s ministry as needed
As the Church, we want to show our community the love of Jesus through serving.
If you would like to serve with us or just want more information, please fill out the form below.
Also if you have any need, contact the New London office and your request will be forwarded to the head deacon or deaconess.
If your need is a financial need, please print and complete the Benevolence Request form.